Saturday, 31 October 2015

Type and Image Booklet - Intermediate Crit

The Intermediate Crit for the yarmouth booklet wasn't the most successful ever. I'm a little behind in this project and didn't have a booklet to show. 

We were supposed to come with the first draft of our booklet but all I had was a couple of edited photos. I had been between two ideas but I've picked one now and I just need to get on with it. 

My idea is to make a parody of the old fashioned booklets for times where going to the sea side was an amazing day out. I'm editing my photos to look old and then putting text saying how yarmouth is holding on to the past and needs to move on. 

Gill suggested making it the size of a postcard as everyone used to send postcards from the seaside. I will have to play around with size.

We have our final crit for this project next friday which will hopefully be more successful. 

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