Saturday, 10 October 2015

Typographic Collection - Intermediate Crit

Ummm, there wasn't an inter crit for this project, instead we had a 'presentation of outcomes' hour where we all put out our work on the table and walk around looking at everything. 

I didn't go to this because I was feeling behind and a bit stuck so didn't want to display my work. Looking back I should have gone to look at everyone else's and get some inspiration. This is something I do a lot. Instead of asking for help I just hope no one will notice until i'm back on my feet. Probably not the best idea... 

I can tell you that at this point I had only completely finished one of the three tasks from this week. And I had gone through about three different ideas for the main project, none of which went anywhere. 

On this blog it looks like I'm always up to date but I'll tell you a little secret, you can change the date the posts get published! Oh well, I did pull myself out of it which you will see if you carry on reading up. 

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