Saturday, 3 October 2015

One Word Poster - Final Crit

This is the final poster that I presented in the crit. I got to this composition after trying out lots of different option with the word zone. I tried putting the black and yellow tape into the 'O' in my first draft (Linked here) but it just didn't say zone enough. 

I then tried positioning the work in different places and different angles but it was still too plain. I spoke to a tutor who said to take the idea of the black and yellow tape and to experiment with that further. This is when I started to put the whole word onto the tape. 

I ended up with lines of the tape on the page which looked good on the computer but once printed out and cropped it look far too static. One tutor described it as having a police officer with severe OCD putting the tape up! 

I rearranged the tape to create the finished piece. I was a little worries about the amount of white space on the poster but after speaking to people and getting used to the design I now like it. I think sometimes less is more. 

I printed the poster A3 for the crit on a natural satin paper. For the hand in it will be printed A2 on Kodak satin paper using the large format printer. 

Overall I am very happy with my first project for year 1. It was a lot harder than it looked but I am happy with the overall result. 

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