Monday, 19 October 2015

Great Yarmouth Visit

To start off the new project we all went on a trip to Great Yarmouth. 

We had to collect as many photos of type as we could as well as photos of Yarmouth itself. This was a really good trip even though I have been going to Yarmouth since I was a kid. It was interesting to go out of the season and experience how different it is. It was a little cloudy and cold. It was like a ghost town compared to how many people would be there on a sunny day in summer. 

We went on the ghost train in joy land and had a mcdonalds which was all good fun! I ended up taking over 250 photos, some of which are blurry but it gives me a lot to work with for the type and image booklet. 

These are just a few of the photos I took on the day. 

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