Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Typographic Collection - Task 1

This is the first task in hand render week. We had to make a typographical list with 5 facts about ourselves. This is the first time I had attempted to draw type and found it quite hard. 

I had idea to tie all my statements together by having them all start with 'I am'. I decided to make this piece of type the most important and designed my own unusual font. I then came up with statements about myself around this idea. 

Three of the pieces of text I hand drew a font, and on the other three I picked a font from the computer and traced using the layout paper. 

I laid out my whole design in rough and then used tracing paper to transfer the design to the coloured paper. I wanted to make my design a bit different so I had the idea to have a coloured background. This is a photo of the final piece I come up with. 

I really didn't like this design once I had finished it. I think it was the coloured paper and because I had traced round everything in a black fineliner. It took away the hand drawn effect and just made it look messy. It also didn't have much hierarchy to it which was the main idea for the task. After the first statement of 'I am' it was unclear on how it should be read. 

I left the piece for that night and came back to it the next day with a clear head. I decided instead of completely restarting the task I would go back to the layout paper and start rearranging the type. 

I came up with this design. I kept it on the layout paper but I am planning to mount it onto grey card. I kept most of the text in pencil and added colour by using coloured fineliners over to of the statements. 

Over all I am a lot happier with this layout and how it looks. I still don't think it's my best piece of work by far but for a first attempt hand drawing I don't think it's too bad. 

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