Monday, 12 October 2015

InDesign Workshop

Today we had our second InDesign workshop. In the first workshop 2 weeks ago we were shown the basics of indesign like how to place a phone ect. I feel quite confident on this program now because I made myself use it for the summer project and I tend to pick up software pretty quickly. 

This week we had another 1 and a half hour workshop where we were talked through step by step how to recreate some famous posters. This was good because not only did with get a refresher on InDesign but we also got to look at the posters in great detail. 

I found that in this workshop I already knew how to do most of what was taught like how to use layers and manipulate type, but it's always good to have a refresher. 

Bellow I will leave some screenshots of the recreated posters. 

For this second poster, one we had all the type correct we were given the freedom to change the colours and look of the poster. This was done really quickly just to show that working fast to create different designs is a good skill to have. Also that not being too precious over work until it is the final product. 

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