Sunday, 18 October 2015

Typographic Collection - Final Crit

Umm... Again there wasn't one...
Instead we had another 'presentation of outcomes' hour where we all put out our work on the table and walk around looking at everything.
This time I actually did go and it did help even though I was still really stuck. I basically had nothing to show apart from the tasks. 

The morning of the last day of this project I spoke to one of the tutors for some help and advice. At the time I was working on an idea of recreating decorative A's I had found on pinterest. I realised while talking to this tutor that this didn't really follow the brief as I had not collected the letters as such, but was just remaking them. 
She said in one way or another that I was trying to make it too complicated and that I could find letters anywhere. She said to walk around uni and take a photo of anything that looked like a letter A. She also showed me different types of booklets as most people were doing an A5 booklet. I was never going to use a standard paper size but I did get the idea of not having a booklet at all. I ended up using an A3 sheet of paper and folding it down to look like it was a book. 
I did one side photos of A's around the university grounds and the other side letter A's from around my house. This really made me look at all the small things. I ended up collecting a lot of images and having the choice to select the few I wanted. 

Overall I am very happy with this project even if it did take some time to do. 

This was how I started that day, with the decorative letter A's

I then went and took a lot of photos around uni and later at home.

And this is what I ended up with, very happy with the end result! 

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