Thursday, 1 October 2015

One Word Poster - Task 2

This was the second task for the One Work Poster. Using only squares, triangles and circles we had to create compositions that expressed different words of our choice. 

I found this task a little simple as I did something very similar last year in my foundation. I do understand that it was to get us thinking about composition more and not just putting everything in the middle of the page. I am happy with my outcomes and the way I have mounted them ready to go into my portfolio. To improve this I could have made the squares smaller so I could fit all 9 on one sheet of A2. 

**UPDATE NOV 2015** 
When it come to compiling my portfolio I went back and remounted and even renamed some of the pieces. The main reason I did this was because I had originally mounted it onto three landscape pieces of white card. To make my portfolio more professional I tried to keep all my work portrait. Also the harsh white background didn't go very well with the rest of the portfolios look. I ended up having them across two sheets of A2 rather than three as it looked better overall. 

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