Friday, 6 November 2015

Type and Image Booklet - Final Crit

My final crit on my booklet was an interesting one!
I had made all my prototypes and had decided on what my final booklet would look like. I didn't have my crit until the afternoon so I had all morning to go into the print room and put together the final copy.
Well, I printed out the booklet and the cover, foiled the cover and started cutting it all out with a scalpel when I realised The booklet had been printing out the wrong size! I must have ticked scale to fit and it was about and inch too big all the way around!
I went to the crit with my prototype and the miss sized booklet.

I was told everything looked good and Emma liked the paper stock I had chosen.
I was given the advice to shorten the title to make it pop more.

Overall I was very happy with my feedback. It just proves that you should always go to a crit even if your work is in a mess!

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