Saturday, 31 October 2015

Type and Image Booklet - Intermediate Crit

The Intermediate Crit for the yarmouth booklet wasn't the most successful ever. I'm a little behind in this project and didn't have a booklet to show. 

We were supposed to come with the first draft of our booklet but all I had was a couple of edited photos. I had been between two ideas but I've picked one now and I just need to get on with it. 

My idea is to make a parody of the old fashioned booklets for times where going to the sea side was an amazing day out. I'm editing my photos to look old and then putting text saying how yarmouth is holding on to the past and needs to move on. 

Gill suggested making it the size of a postcard as everyone used to send postcards from the seaside. I will have to play around with size.

We have our final crit for this project next friday which will hopefully be more successful. 

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Lecture Programme - Craig Oldham

Craig Oldham 
His studio creates brands, books, websites, films, exhibitions, and objects. 

I have never heard someone swear so much in my life! Haha! 

This was a really great lecture, all about a book he has brought out recently. You can tell he is really passionate and it was refreshing for someone to speak there mind and shout their opinions without feeling guilty for doing so. In the time we live in now everyone is too polite and always has to see things from both sides which is so annoying. No one just says what they are thinking. 

I think his book on the miners strikes was a brilliant idea and he should be really proud of it. 

I also like that he makes out he doesn't like designers and isn't very good but he is brilliant. Craig has won awards and is at the top of his game. 

A very enjoyable lecture and very inspirational. 

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Individual Tutorial

Yesterday I had my first individual tutorial of this unit. The idea of it was to check everything was going the right way for hand in on the 13th of November.

Everyone was running really far behind but after waiting an hour I finally spoke to Emma who I knew for my Year 0 last year. She went through all my work and portfolio giving my advice for hand in and how to present my work.

All my feedback was very positive and it felt better being on top of all my work for once (Apart from contextual studies but that doesn't count).

I has been nice last week not to be given another project straight away again. It has meant I was able to catch up and finally get my typographic booklet printed.

One more project to go before hand in!!!

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Illustrator Induction 1

We had our first illustrator induction today. I would say that out of all the Adobe CC products I was most confident at illustrator. I went along to the induction anyway to see if I could learn some little tricks to help make things easier. 

We started off with the complete basics of how to open a document and and artboards ect. We then went on the the pen tool and how to make curves.

I picked up a couple of tips to make things quicker but most of this induction I already knew. There are going to be another 2 workshops on illustrator going into more complex things that I am looking forward to which should be more on my level. 

Monday, 26 October 2015

Type and Image Booklet - Brief

BA (Hons) Graphics Year 1 Unit BA1a

Date: 26.10.15 to 06.11.15

Project: Type and Image Booklet

The brief in a sentence
Following our trip to Great Yarmouth, where you will capture images, this assignment allows you to contextualise your imagery within the format of an 8 page booklet.

To develop your skills as a designer to pair images with appropriate text and typography, effectively conveying your chosen narrative. Understanding the strength of type and image together, how the written word and the visual are combined to generate a narrative, tell a story, make a point.
To develop an understanding of editorial design, the use of formats, grids, rhythm, dynamic, layout, balance, composition, space, colour and typographic choices. Also consider paper stock, weight, size, binding and finishing.

The challenge
You are required to produce an 8pp booklet that has a considered written and visual narrative as a response to, and development of, the images collected and created from the trip to Great Yarmouth. The text can be quotes, poetry, song lyrics or your own voice. You must carefully document and evidence the various stages of visual development that supports your final outcome.

The Audience
This will be determined by the narrative that you choose to depict within the booklet.

Things to consider
What is it is you want to say about Great Yarmouth? How do you want the viewer to respond? How can the choices you make influence them?

images from Great Yarmouth trip sources of text/copy
layout pad
access to computer
cutting mat
drawing materials: pencil/pen etc.

For assessment, you will be required to submit the following:

• All visual research, analysis and development specifically relating to this project • A fully realised 8 page booklet
• Task 1: Building an Image
• Task 2: Visual Narrative

Müller-Brockmann, J.(1996) Grid systems in graphic design.
Niggli. Ambrose, G and Harris, P. (2005)
Basic Design, Typography. AVA Publishing SA.
Jamieson, R. (2015) Print is dead long live print. The world's best independent magazines. Munich: Prestel.
Perry, M. (2009) Sniffin' glue : and other rock 'n' roll habits. London: Omnibus. Journals & online 

Design Inspiration 
Design Inspiration 
Cover Junkie

Task 1: Building an Image
As part of the initial development, you will explore various methods and techniques of image capture and ideation in order to build and develop a range of visual imagery.
These two tasks work towards the completion of the project, providing potential content for your 8 page booklet.

Working in groups, select a single image from the Great Yarmouth visit and use it as a basis to develop a large scale visual outcome.

To explore the visual possibilities of any given image.

layout pad
coloured paper
cutting mat
drawing materials: pencil/pen etc. access to computer

A large format final piece.

Task 2: Visual Narrative
This task involves the second phase of the image making process. You will explore and refine your ideas and develop the potential for visual narrative.
These two tasks work towards the completion of the project, providing potential content for your 8 page booklet.

Select 8 images from the Great Yarmouth trip to develop a visual narrative. The narrative should include a beginning, middle and end.

To introduce editing, selection and positional skills. And to explore ideas of narrative.

images from Great Yarmouth trip layout pad
coloured paper
cutting mat
drawing materials: pencil/pen etc. access to computer

An 8 image sequential narrative. Presented in an appropriate format/media. 

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Two Sides Booklet

This was a studio workshop that I didn't attend because of illness. I did later have a go at home so I would have something to put in my portfolio. I looked at the hashtag #nuatwosides to give me inspiration and talking to my friends who had been at the workshop.

I decided to do a booklet like object with the theme of up and down as opposites.

Friday, 23 October 2015

Type and Image Booklet - Task 2

For this task we were told to try and create a visual narrative from the photo's we had taken at Yarmouth. I started off my about where we went that day and it what order. Once I had picked 8 photos I realised my day started and ended at the beach. This is when I got the idea so make the town look really bright and fake and pop art inspired and to have the complete contrast of the beach in grey scale. 

These are the edited photos I used (Not in order)

I think this was one of the best tasks I have done. All the tutors seem to like it and it makes a change to have something you can hold and interact with rather than just another printed sheet.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Lecture Programme - John Fewster (Colour Science)

Today we had a lecture by John Fewster on colour science. This was not my favorite lecture of the year by a long shot. I found the whole thing quite boring and it was more about how the eye perceives light then about the use of colour in graphic design. It was a bit like a science lesson.

There are going to be another 2 lectures by the same person on colour science in the following terms and I really don't know whether to attend them or not because it's just not something I am that interested in.

I already knew about the light spectrum and how a computer screen it so different to a printer. One adds colour and one takes away.

Not an inspiring lecture for me but it might have been for someone else.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Type and Image Booklet - Task 1

For task one we had to create a 3D object from a photo taken in Great Yarmouth. We we're in groups of 5 or 6 and only had the day to decide on an idea, buy the materials and make it. I was in a group with Jade, Charlotte, Roc and Charlie. 

A couple of us had a photo of the same popcorn stand that was in one of the arcades. It was made of neon lights and stood out among all the photos. We bought 5 packs of glow sticks and 2 bags of popcorn from the 99p store to create this piece. Charlie had the idea to make a background out of red and white stripes like a classic popcorn box. I took all of the photos with a DSLR camera and edited these three images on photoshop. 

It ended up being a really fun and it was nice to have a quick outcome by the end of the day. Again we used Twitter and Instagram to share our creations with the hashtag #nualooker. All of the photos should still been on that hashtag so go have a look at everyone else's work! 

Monday, 19 October 2015

Great Yarmouth Visit

To start off the new project we all went on a trip to Great Yarmouth. 

We had to collect as many photos of type as we could as well as photos of Yarmouth itself. This was a really good trip even though I have been going to Yarmouth since I was a kid. It was interesting to go out of the season and experience how different it is. It was a little cloudy and cold. It was like a ghost town compared to how many people would be there on a sunny day in summer. 

We went on the ghost train in joy land and had a mcdonalds which was all good fun! I ended up taking over 250 photos, some of which are blurry but it gives me a lot to work with for the type and image booklet. 

These are just a few of the photos I took on the day. 

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Typographic Collection - Final Crit

Umm... Again there wasn't one...
Instead we had another 'presentation of outcomes' hour where we all put out our work on the table and walk around looking at everything.
This time I actually did go and it did help even though I was still really stuck. I basically had nothing to show apart from the tasks. 

The morning of the last day of this project I spoke to one of the tutors for some help and advice. At the time I was working on an idea of recreating decorative A's I had found on pinterest. I realised while talking to this tutor that this didn't really follow the brief as I had not collected the letters as such, but was just remaking them. 
She said in one way or another that I was trying to make it too complicated and that I could find letters anywhere. She said to walk around uni and take a photo of anything that looked like a letter A. She also showed me different types of booklets as most people were doing an A5 booklet. I was never going to use a standard paper size but I did get the idea of not having a booklet at all. I ended up using an A3 sheet of paper and folding it down to look like it was a book. 
I did one side photos of A's around the university grounds and the other side letter A's from around my house. This really made me look at all the small things. I ended up collecting a lot of images and having the choice to select the few I wanted. 

Overall I am very happy with this project even if it did take some time to do. 

This was how I started that day, with the decorative letter A's

I then went and took a lot of photos around uni and later at home.

And this is what I ended up with, very happy with the end result! 

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Lecture Programme - Keren House

Keren House:
Has worked at the highest level in a number of agencies, including founding partner of The Partners, Pentagram, Design Bridge, Ziggurat, Sieberthead.

Her talk focused on telling stories in branding

I found this talk interesting and it was nice to hear from someone of an old generation who has worked in looks of different companies. Keren has seen the design and branding industry change over time and has a great depth of knowledge to share. 

I didn't find this lecture as inspirational as others and I'm not really sure why. I felt like I was being told a story rather than having a lecture or discussion. Keren must have done many a lecture over the years and I felt like she was almost going through the motions. 

Overall I did enjoy this lecture and am looking forward to the next. 

Friday, 16 October 2015

Typographic Collection - Task 5

This is the second task in digital design week. 
We were each given a random phrase or saying to use. We had to visually produce three different outcomes thinking about typestyle, scale, positioning and format.

Again we were not to use any photos or images within the work. I found it easy to think of the first idea but then struggled to go back to the beginning and come up with something totally different. This is something I struggle to do in my everyday work. This talked helped me to see that there is always more than one outcome to a brief. 
In my foundation last year I used to thumbnail ideas a lot in my backup work because we were told we had to. I stopped doing this this year because I used to really hate doing it. Looking back I can see how helpful this was. This might be something I start doing again 

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Modular Type Workshop

Today we had a short workshop on modular type. It was just to introduce us to this type typography and have a chance of making our own. 

This is the typography I created after having time to experiment with different shapes. I think this need some refining but I do like it. I think the little flick off the A really makes to typeface stand out. 
If I get time at the end of the term I might have another go at improving on this and maybe digitising it for my portfolio. 

Like the last workshop we all made a hashtag and uploaded our work to twitter and instagram. Again I really like this idea and it means I had chance to look through everyone's work in detail when I got home.  

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Camera Induction

Today I went to a sign up camera induction with 15 other people from my course. It was an hour long induction where we got the chance to learn the basics of a DSLR camera.

I have never owned a DSLR camera and have only used one once or twice. I always used the automatic setting and just hoped for the best really. Today we learnt about ISO, aperture and light levels.

ISO - used to be used with old fashioned film cameras to change the camera settings to work best with that particular film. Now days it is adjusted to change to amount of light. The lower the ISO number the better because it can look grainy and take away detail.
ISO 200 outside on a bright day
ISO 400 inside
Try to stay 400 or below if possible.

Aperture - The lower the number the closer the focus. So for landscapes use a high aperture and for a blurred background behind an object use a low aperture.

We also learnt how to use the light meter on the camera to adjust the settings before taking a photo.

Overall this was one of the best inductions I have been to yet this term. I learnt so much which will come in handy when going to Yarmouth next week.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Typographic Collection - Task 4

This is the first of two tasks in digital type week. We were given a list of musical genres which we had to represent using only type. 

I really enjoyed this task and I am happy with my outcomes. I used the website DaFont to find unusual fonts. Some of the type has been altered by creating outlines and changing the look of the typography. 

We were allowed to use background colours or textures but not physical things such as a piano for classical. 

I'm planning to get this printed A2 on a nice matt paper for hand in. 

**UPDATE NOV 2015**
When I got to putting my portfolio together I had this reprinted portrait and rearranged the order the squares are in to look a little better. This was to make my portfolio look more professional and easier to look through.

Monday, 12 October 2015

InDesign Workshop

Today we had our second InDesign workshop. In the first workshop 2 weeks ago we were shown the basics of indesign like how to place a phone ect. I feel quite confident on this program now because I made myself use it for the summer project and I tend to pick up software pretty quickly. 

This week we had another 1 and a half hour workshop where we were talked through step by step how to recreate some famous posters. This was good because not only did with get a refresher on InDesign but we also got to look at the posters in great detail. 

I found that in this workshop I already knew how to do most of what was taught like how to use layers and manipulate type, but it's always good to have a refresher. 

Bellow I will leave some screenshots of the recreated posters. 

For this second poster, one we had all the type correct we were given the freedom to change the colours and look of the poster. This was done really quickly just to show that working fast to create different designs is a good skill to have. Also that not being too precious over work until it is the final product. 

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Typographic Collection - Intermediate Crit

Ummm, there wasn't an inter crit for this project, instead we had a 'presentation of outcomes' hour where we all put out our work on the table and walk around looking at everything. 

I didn't go to this because I was feeling behind and a bit stuck so didn't want to display my work. Looking back I should have gone to look at everyone else's and get some inspiration. This is something I do a lot. Instead of asking for help I just hope no one will notice until i'm back on my feet. Probably not the best idea... 

I can tell you that at this point I had only completely finished one of the three tasks from this week. And I had gone through about three different ideas for the main project, none of which went anywhere. 

On this blog it looks like I'm always up to date but I'll tell you a little secret, you can change the date the posts get published! Oh well, I did pull myself out of it which you will see if you carry on reading up. 

Friday, 9 October 2015

Typographic Collection - Task 3

The is the third and final task of the week. We had to hand draw letters and label all the different part. I chose to use Monotype Van Dijke as the font for this task.

I found this task the least creative but I got the most out of it. I think it is important to know this depth of information. Even though we all use a computer to pick type it's very good to know how they are made. It enables us to have the opportunity to create our own and know what separates type into different sub-categories. 

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Lecture Programme - Turner Duckworth

Turner Duckworth:
International award winning branding and packaging agency

Turner Duckworth is an international design agency based in London and San Francisco. 

Today two guys from the London office came to talk to us, both had graduated from NUA a few years ago. It was really nice to have someone talking to us who had been in the same shoes. They kept everything light and fun while still giving us loads of information about the company. It was really good to hear that two boys from the very same course I'm on are now able to work on such big brands such as Burger King and Coca Cola! 

As much as I am debating going down the publishing route this talk was really inspirational. I would like to have another go at branding now that I have a bit more knowledge.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Typographic Collection - Task 2

This was the second hand drawn task of the week. We had to pick two typefaces and a word which described each one. 

This is my final A3 sheet. I stuck with layout paper and hand scaled the type up to size.I brought colour in by again using coloured fineliners. I chose to have a large area of white space in the middle of the page to show just how different each font is from the other. 

Overall I really like this piece and think it works well. I am planning to mount this on to some card to make it more presentable for hand in. 

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Typographic Collection - Task 1

This is the first task in hand render week. We had to make a typographical list with 5 facts about ourselves. This is the first time I had attempted to draw type and found it quite hard. 

I had idea to tie all my statements together by having them all start with 'I am'. I decided to make this piece of type the most important and designed my own unusual font. I then came up with statements about myself around this idea. 

Three of the pieces of text I hand drew a font, and on the other three I picked a font from the computer and traced using the layout paper. 

I laid out my whole design in rough and then used tracing paper to transfer the design to the coloured paper. I wanted to make my design a bit different so I had the idea to have a coloured background. This is a photo of the final piece I come up with. 

I really didn't like this design once I had finished it. I think it was the coloured paper and because I had traced round everything in a black fineliner. It took away the hand drawn effect and just made it look messy. It also didn't have much hierarchy to it which was the main idea for the task. After the first statement of 'I am' it was unclear on how it should be read. 

I left the piece for that night and came back to it the next day with a clear head. I decided instead of completely restarting the task I would go back to the layout paper and start rearranging the type. 

I came up with this design. I kept it on the layout paper but I am planning to mount it onto grey card. I kept most of the text in pencil and added colour by using coloured fineliners over to of the statements. 

Over all I am a lot happier with this layout and how it looks. I still don't think it's my best piece of work by far but for a first attempt hand drawing I don't think it's too bad. 

Monday, 5 October 2015

Typographic Collection - Brief

BA (Hons) Graphics Year 1 Unit BA1a

Date: 05.10.15 to 16.10.15

Project: Typographic Collection

The brief in a sentence
You are required to research, collate, document and evidence a typographic archive that will provide the basis of a personal resource for future projects. The collection should include an extensive collection of typographic forms, and be presented as a book. 

This assignment is designed to introduce you to the subject of Typography and help you to develop a basic appreciation of letterforms and typestyles. You will be encouraged to develop an understanding of the typographic basics including an appreciation of the diversity and application of typographic forms and progress your critical judgement in relation to the function of type.

The challenge
Typography is everywhere, not just print in books and magazines. You should be looking for typographic forms both on and off the page, including signage, packaging and calligraphic forms. Study the communication of type and how its visual form affects the communication of the words. This should be a collection that you bring together in a book, which becomes a reference resource.

The audience
Yourself. The typographic collection is a personal archive designed to inform future projects and develop your critical judgement in relation to the function of type.

Things to consider
The collection could be eclectic, thematic, broad or tightly focused. It could have a narrative or a progression, or could be based around repetition. What can you learn about typography from this project?

For assessment, you will be required to submit the following:
• All visual research, analysis and development specifically relating to this project • A full realised and finished Typographic Collection
•Task 1: Five Facts – The Alphabet

•Task 2: Typeface Classification •Task 3: Anatomy of Type •Task 4: Typographic Signals •Task 5: Finding the Sense


  • Blackwell, L. (2004) 20th Century Type. Laurence King. Müller-Brockmann, J.(1996) Grid systems in graphic design.
  • Niggli. Ambrose, G and Harris, P. (2005) Basic Design, Typography. AVA Publishing SA.
  • Jury, D. (2007) New Typographic Design. London, Laurence King. Jury, D. (2006) What is Typography?. Rotovision.
  • Schmid, H. (2003) Typography Today. Shinkosha.
  • Brook, T. & Shaughnessy, A. (2010) Supergraphics. Unit Editions Kane, J. (2002) A Type Primer, Prentice Hall
  • Squire, V. (2006) Getting it Right with Type, Laurence King
  • Lupton, E. (2010), Thinking with type : a critical guide for designers, writers, editors, &
  • students 2nd rev. and expanded ed. Princeton Architectural
  • Baines, P. & Haslam, A. (2005) Type and Typography, Laurence King
  • Ambrose, G and Harris, P. (2008) New Production Manual: A Graphic Design Handbook. AVA Publishing SA.
  • Gordon, B. (2001) Making Digital Type Look Good. Thames and Hudson. 

Typografische Monatsblätter
Creative Review
Eye Magazine

Task 1: Five facts
This is a hand-rendered / hand lettered task designed to introduce you to the characteristics of letterforms.

Using hierarchy, differing typographic weight and style, organise 5 facts about yourself, in order of importance. Develop these initial designs into a fully realised hand rendered
A3 poster.

Developing an understanding of the alphabet and its basic forms. Gaining confidence in type hierarchy.

Tracing paper and Layout pad HB pencil
pencil sharpener
provided type-sheets

– Photocopier

A fully realised hand rendered / lettered A3 poster.

Task 2: Typeface classification
This is a hand-rendered task designed to introduce you to basic classifications of type.

Using the basic classifications of: serif
sans serif
decorative / display

Select two of the classifications choose a word that suits that style of letterform. You are to create an A3 poster of the 2 words rendered in their appropriate typeface. Consider the use of colour, composition, form and scale.

To identify the different characteristics of the basic classifications of letterforms. To reinforce compositional skills.

type sheets to be provided
drawing materials: pencil/pen etc. layout pads
coloured paper
cutting mat scissors

An A3 hand rendered poster.

Task 3: Anatomy of type poster
This is a hand-rendered task designed to introduce you to the specific elements of a letterform.

Select a typographic character of your choice and identify as many elements of its anatomy as you can. For example, ascender, descender, baseline, counter, stroke etc.

To introduce the different characteristics of a letterform. Re-enforcing compositional skills and an introduction to editorial layout skills.

type sheets to be provided HB pencil
pencil sharpener

coloured pens/pencils photocopier

Create an A3 hand rendered poster, which evidences a technical understanding of letterforms.

Task 4: Typographic signals
This is a digital task. Using nine squares, produce a series of typographic compositions that reinforce the meaning of the following:
1: blues
2: rock

3: ambient 4: grunge 5: punk
6: reggae 7: classical 8: disco

9: electronic
Consider use of typestyle, colour, scale, positioning and format.

To strengthen the communication of an idea. Understanding the signals associated with different typeface choices, and the use of colour, size and weight.

layout pad
drawing materials: pencil/pen etc. access to computer

A series of square compositions, presented on an A2 sheet. The final outcomes must be produced digitally.

Task 5: Finding the sense
This is a digital task designed to introduce you to ideas of expressive typographic design that emphasize and manipulate meaning.

Using three 20cm squares, produce three different responses to one allocated sentence. Consider use of typestyle, colour, scale, positioning and format.

  1. A little learning is a dangerous thing.
  2. All good things come to those that wait.
  3. A chain is only as strong as the weakest link.
  4. A change is a good as a rest.
  5. A problem shared is a problem halved.
  6. A thing of beauty is a joy forever.
  7. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
  8. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  9. Failure is the mother of success.
  10. All that glitters, is not gold.
  11. Jack of all trades, master of none.
  12. Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all. 
  13. Do not wash your dirty linen in public.
  14. Do not put all your eggs in one basket.
  15. Fact is stranger than fiction.
  16. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
  17. If a jobs worth doing, it’s worth doing well.
  18. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.
  19. A fool and his money are soon parted.
  20. The early bird catches the worm.
  21. A guilty conscience needs no accuser.
  22. Everything is designed, few things are designed well.
  23. A picture paints a thousand words.
  24. A place for everything and everything in its place.
  25. One man’s pleasure is another man’s poison.
  26. Once bitten, twice shy.
  27. Out of sight, out of mind.
  28. A problem shared is a problem halved.
  29. Strike whilst the iron is hot.
  30. The end justifies the means.
  31. The grass is always greener on the other side.
  32. The more things change, the more they stay the same. 
  33. Youth is wasted on the young.
  34. Computers are to design as microwaves are to cooking.
  35. A camel is a horse designed by committee.

To give alternative meaning and emphasis to a given sentence. Looking at how the manipulation of type and composition affects understanding.

layout pad
drawing materials: pencil/pen etc. access to computer

Three alternative 20cm square compositions presented on an A2 sheet. The final outcomes must be produced digitally.