Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Summer Project

BA (Hons) Graphic Design / Graphic Communication / Design for Publishing

Summer Project Brief 2015 - A Baker’s Dozen

Welcome to your course.

We are really looking forward to working with you over the next few years. Over this summer break we would like you to start as you mean to go on. We want to encourage you to keep your eyes open and immerse yourself in design and visual culture to support you in your future studies.

To start this process we would like to suggest that you undertake the following tasks, which are all designed to promote inquisitiveness, visual awareness and research skills essential to support your future creative practice. Whatever the task you are asked to explore beyond the obvious and record your activity.

Enjoy this process; it is primarily for you to draw from in the future, but it will also help to introduce you and your way of working to staff and fellow students – so do it your way! It could be drawings, notebooks, animation, graphic booklets, photographic, film, illustrative or a combination of media. Whatever approaches you adopt for each of the tasks you are encouraged to be inventive, informative and visual.

You will be asked to bring this with you for the Induction week at the start of the course. It should become a resource that you can continue to add to throughout your time at NUA.
This is an open brief and the course team are looking forward to seeing your responses.

Good Luck. Best,

Martin Schooley
Course Leader Graphics Norwich University of the Arts

A Baker’s Dozen

Read some books – at least one fiction and one design related. Hit the library and browse some titles – don't just go on what is on the shelves at Waterstones.

Look at a manifesto or designers statement of your own choosing. This may follow on from looking at the following:
Milton Glaser – 12 steps to designer hell
Ken Garland – First Things First
Bruce Mau – Incomplete Manifesto for Growth Dieter Rams – Ten principles for good design

Plug into a creative/design blog or a few, start here perhaps...
Collate –
September industry – 
It’s nice that –

Watch a series of films/documentaries by the same director/film maker.

Read some poems – write a poem.

Go to an exhibition or a museum.

Gather a collection and document it.

From a design perspective, show 3 things you love and 3 things you hate and tell us why.

Recreate/reinterpret a famous photograph.

Listen to music from 5 different decades or 5 different centuries.

Follow recipes to create a three-course meal you have not cooked before, record the process.

Using a dictionary, discover 5 words that were previously unfamiliar to you, write them down, with definitions, and then use them appropriately within conversations. Document your experiences.

Investigate and illustrate, using type and image (on A6 blank postcard) a little known or unusual fact. 

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