Monday 28 September 2015

One Word Poster - Intermediate Crit

On Friday I had my first crit. It was in very large groups of about 35 people were we all go to look at everyone's work and here feedback for everything. I presented two ideas and now have a week to make changes and print to A2.

  • Change it to portrait with the 'E' at the bottom
  • They liked the font and colour
  • It's too complicated with the word zone over and over again
  • Could be changed to having police tape or something 
  • Nice composition 

  • They liked the concept
  • It shouldn't be black, should be a soft pastel colour so it looks like 'fabric conditioner' 
  • Nice composition 
I would like to try making the 'ZONE' poster out of cut card as well as digital. I think this is my strongest design but I'm not going to give up on the 'Soft' poster. I did prefer the second poster until I printed it out. It just looks so much nicer on screen, all the colours are completely blended. It could've just been the printer I used but this put me off the design. 

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