Sunday, 20 September 2015

A Baker's Dozen - Final

This is my finished booklet, printed out and handed in. I'm quite proud of this, there were a lot of first in this booklet. First time I've made a booklet in InDesign, first time I've created an image on photoshop and first time I really had to think about the design being the same on every page. 

We didn't get marked on this piece, we all had to put the project on the table and then walk rounds and look at everyone else's. It was good to see what everyone had done. With people coming from all different places and from all different backgrounds there was a good mix of projects. Some were on blogs, some in sketch books and there were some other booklets as well. 

I did catch two of my tutors looking though my booklet and laughing about one page which I can only imagine being the photograph page! 

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