Thursday, 17 September 2015

A Baker's Dozen - Photograph

Part of the summer project was to recreate a famous photograph. I could of picked anything but I found it hard to choose because I'm not that into photography so didn't know anyone famous. I chose to look at celebrities and this was the first photo I thought of. 

I really love this photo and how carefree this photo is. I decided rather than making a replica I would pay homage to the photo.

I made my poor friend Jenny stand in the middle of our studio like this so I could take this photo. I then edited out the background and put the image into black and white. 

Using google images I found this background which I thought worked well. I really like that is it so funny because the rest of my booklet is very to the point.

I am quite proud of this because it's the first ever image I have created on photoshop. I normally just crop, resize and tidy up photos. The more I learn about photoshop the more I enjoy it, it's such a powerful tool!

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