Friday, 4 September 2015

A Baker’s Dozen - Poem

I thought I would show what goes into each page of my booklet. It may look simple but there is a lot of though behind everything that I am not about to show off. This is a step by step guide to how I finished my poem page. 

I started looking on the internet at different poems. I wanted my poem to have something to do with graphic design but I wasn't sure how to start. I came a cross this blog where someone had written lots of limerick's about graphic design. I liked the structure of this type of poem and though it would be quite an easy one for me to do. 

I followed the structure of the limericks to create my own poem which ended up being about me in a way. I typed it into work so I could then import it into whatever program I liked to edit the text.

I next when onto Dafont and found a couple of fonts to try in illustrator to bring my poem to life, visually. The fonts from Dafont are not for commercial use but as it is only a uni project there is no problem with using them.

I played about with a could of fonts and decided I liked the script front better for this piece.

I made to text 70pt and coloured it to C=7 M=5 Y=5 K=0 which is one of the colours use for the background of this blog and my website. I decided to uses these colour on this project because it doesn't have a target market or anything, its just got to express me. 

This is what the final page looks like. I will have to see if it prints okay as I've positions the poem over the centre fold. Over all I'm really happy with this page, now time for the next one! 

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