Tuesday 22 September 2015

Freshers Week!

Well, freshers week is over and I am knackered! 

I had such a good time! Technically this was my second freshers week because I did a foundation year 0 at NUA last year! 

This time round it was so much better! Mainly because I already knew people. I am living at home for uni so it's not like I could make friends with the people in my flat or anything. 

I went to a couple of new pubs and clubbing 3 times this week. I had uni from 9:30am to 4:30pm most days so 3 nights out was all I could manage! I met lots of new people and it's also nice to see old friends as well! 

It actually feels like I'm at university now, I've gone from having 22 people in my class (half of which didn't turn up) to having 150!! Our studio space is so nice and light and we have proper graphic design work to do. 

Overall I am really enjoying uni and I'm glad to be back! I've felt a lot happier this week, when I walked back into work on Saturday a couple of people mentioned I seemed happier. I'm glad to be back doing something I enjoy. 

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