Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Staying at Home for Uni

When I picked my university a lot of my friends had very strong opinions about me deciding to stay at home. They said I would miss out and that it wouldn't be as fun. That is was almost like cheating to stay living at home whilst studying. They were all wrong. You can do whatever you want! 

All of a sudden you are free from that routine of going to school and you are in the big wide world and guess what? YOU CHOOSE YOUR PATH!

Most of the people who had a really strong opinion on me I don't talk to anymore. Not just because of that but because we drifted apart. You really do learn who your really friends are when you leave school. 

I'm not gonna lie, living at home is nothing like living in halls. Partying every night sounds fun to begin with but after a couple of weeks, a couple of months?? Anyway, from what my friends who did live in halls said it wasn't really like that anyway. You all live separate lives but together, if that makes sense? 

My fresher’s week was a bit of a let down. This wasn't caused only by the fact I was living at home but that didn't help. Norwich University of the Arts is very small, only 2000 students, so the events in fresher’s week were very small. Norwich also has a very big uni, UEA, which has something ridiculous like 25,000 students, which kinda overshadows NUA. I only really knew one girl on my course that had messaged me the week before because she wanted a friend too. We went to a couple of events but I felt like I was just going out in the day and then coming home to what I was used to. 

But fresher’s week isn't everything. Over time I made lots of friends in my tiny little class. I also made friends with people who Jenny was living with in halls. (Jenny is the girl who messaged me) A year on I have made some friends for life! It just takes a little longer if you live at home.  

I wouldn't change my decision to stay at home for uni. I got to keep my job, which I like and still have all the home comforts like food in the fridge and my washing done for me! If I ever do change my mind in the future I can always move in with my friends in there shared house. There are always options. 

Also something to think about is what would happen when you had to come home for summer? What going to happen when you finish university? 

Everyone is different so do what is right for you, not what anyone tells you! 

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