Monday, 24 August 2015

Starting a Blog and my Background

Today is the day I decided I should probably start a blog to document my time at uni. 

A bit of background about me: 

I have always wanted to do something within the arts. I turned around to my mum aged just two and said I wanted to be an artist when I grew up. 

I discovered graphic design at high school in year 9. We used to do a different type of design technology every term and in year 9 it was my turn to try graphic deign. I loved it! I remember we did this project where we had to follow a brief to make an alien themed memory stick out of the smart material polymorph. I think I got the highest grade in the class for that. Just to put it in to context I did well at school but I was never top. I was so happy and my work was put on the classroom wall. 

I carried on to take graphic design for my GCSE's and then product design for my A-levels. I had the same teacher through out and he was so passionate about his job. You know you get some teachers who just go through the motions one day after the next. It's just an income to them? Well my graphics teacher was nothing like that! He would come in early and stay in late to help us get our course work done in time. If we ever wanted to try something out he would always give it a go no matter if it caused him extra work. I truly believe that without having Bugdale as my teacher I would not be doing graphic design now. 

I really didn't enjoy my A-levels in general though. I didn't get on with my art teacher. Art is one of those subjects where in my mind there is no right or wrong. Obviously if you cant draw you cant draw but as long as you experiment then it shouldn't be ‘wrong’. 
My style was very big and bold, I liked to use pallet knives and thick acrylic paint. My teacher was the total opposite; art to her was small delicate drawings in pencil. We had stupid rules like we had to take all our own photos. Can you imagine how limiting that is! You can take photos of trees full of leaves in winter! We weren’t allowed to use black paint, we had to mix our own. We weren’t allowed to smudge or blend anything with our fingers, it all had to be done with the pencil or pastel. It was stupid! I never known so many rules in art. I lost my way with that course and had a terrible time but that’s for another post... 

The only reason I stuck at sixth from was because I knew I wanted to go to university and do Graphics. Graphic design was my passion! 

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