Thursday, 4 February 2016

The City New Perspectives - Brief (Directed Study)

Unit BA1b Directed Study – Group or individual project 

Date: 01.02.16 to 12.02.16

Project: The City – New Perspectives

The Brief in a sentence
Investigate and document an element of your city, seeing it from a different or unexplored perspective.

The City has been a continuing source of inspiration for generations of artists, designers and filmmakers. These practitioners are irresistibly drawn to the life, mystery, excitement and even danger that a City inherently possesses.

The Dutch Artist, Piet Mondrian, on arriving in 1930’s New York, drastically changed his approach with his direct interpretation of the exciting urban pace, jazz and Manhattan’s grid system, with his painting series ‘Broadway Boogie Woogie.’ Countless artistic practitioners have continually used the City as a catalyst for personal creative responses, popular culture is fed by the City.

The challenge
The main driver of this project is to push and exploit the potential of imagery to communicate an idea or theme. You will be encouraged to capture, review, develop and manipulate imagery in a range of ways, leading to the appropriate presentation of outcomes. You could use the following territories as a starting point.

Geometric forms 
Echoed Space 

Develop your ideas visually, you are encouraged to push and refine these and select an appropriate media to present them in, for example this could be print, digital, moving image or 3 dimensional. 

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