Friday, 5 February 2016

Mid Unit Review

I had my mid unit review on Monday for BA1b. This is a 20 week project so on week 10 we all had a one to one tutorial with a tutor to make sure we're on track. 

She went through my work project by project to make sure I had work for each. It was only a 20 minute slot so there wasn't really any time for advice on any unfinished projects. I found the whole process of the mid unit review a bit mechanical. Even though it was one to one, the same questions were being ask to each student in the room. Because of this I asked to speak to a different tutor today about the unfinished projects. We went through and talked about each project and I now feel a lot more confident with my ideas. 

I feel like I sometimes get stuck in a bit of a spiral of self doubt and just need to have a chat with someone about everything on my own. I also felt better talking to the second tutor because I have known her longer and she knows my work more. 

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