Monday, 15 February 2016

I Wish I Had - Brief

BA (Hons) Graphics Year 1 Unit BA1b

Date: 15.02.16 to 19.02.16

Project: I wish I had...

The brief in a sentence
You are required to produce a response to the following prompt. ‘I wish I had...’

Your response should relate to the past year whilst being a Year 1 Graphics Student at NUA. Your outcome can be in any medium, but you are asked to carefully consider your medium choice and format to be outcomes appropriate to your design rationale and enhance your desired communication methods. This project is designed to enable you to develop an appreciation of communication design in its broadest sense. Responding to the research and analysis of personal data, you will be encouraged to develop experimental approaches to the visual representation of this material.

The challenge
This project encourages you to review and reflect upon your practice so far this year, looking at different ways in which you can convey and communicate what you have learnt, to those who follow you next year. This project is designed to enable you to develop an appreciation of communication design in its broadest sense. Responding to the research and analysis of personal data, you will be encouraged to develop experimental approaches to the visual representation of this material.

The audience
Next year’s new Year 1 students. Potentially your outcomes may form part of a student publication, which will be made available for the next Graphics intake on the course. Be generous, creative and think wide!

Things to consider
This is a one-week project so think fast and work productively. What would have helped you when you first started at NUA? What do you know now that you wished you had known at the start?

For assessment, you will be required to submit the following:
A final outcome as a reponse to the brief, in what ever form you feel is
• A supporting body of research and development work, which evidences your creative process and decision making.

  • Ambrose, G. & Aono-Billson, N. (2011) Approach & Language, AVA
  • Bergstrom, B. (2008) Essentials of Visual Communication, Laurence King
  • Marshall, M & Meachem, L. (2010) How to Use Images, Laurence King
  • Johnson, M. (2002) Problem Solved, Phaidon
  • Ingledew, J. (2011) The A-Z of Visual Ideas, Laurence King
  • Twemlow, A. (2006) What is Graphic Design For?, Rotovision
  • Jury, D. (2006) What is Typography? Rotovision

Computer Arts Creative Review Eye Magazine


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