Friday, 8 January 2016

Packaging - Final Crit

Again with this project I found it hard to start something a week before Christmas. A lot of students had already gone home and from the wednesday onwards I was off university ill.

By the time we came back after Christmas I felt recharged and ready to go. I worked hard to develop my project and went to the final crit with a nearly finished idea. Unfortunately, I had misunderstood the brief. I thought it was just as easy to fulfill the brief by repackaging an existing product as it was to create something completely new.

I thought I was being different by reworking the labels of a washing up liquid bottle. My idea was to show how boring washing up really was. I made a label with photos of miserable looking adults and children on it this different sayings on them. I thought my idea was okay until I went to the crit. My tutor pointed out that it didn't work. Because the brief was to create packaging and not labels, to make washing up liquid boring it would have to be a boring bottle with no label, a standard lid and no branding. This idea totally doesn't work but my tutor understood the concept I was aiming for.

The next brief is being given out Monday and is to be done in groups. I don't want to pull my group back or end up missing out by trying to finish this at the same time. I am going to leave it until the 2 weeks after the Advertising project where we do have a directed study project but there is a lot more free time. 

My new idea comes from something I found in the last project. There is an origami box that has no opening. So there is no flap or anything to get in. I was going to make these in different sizes and put different items in them so when you shake the boxes you are curious as to what is inside. Curiosity being the emotion I am choosing. In my crit, when talking to other people, the tutor mentioned making the packaging realistic, so it could be used in really life. If this is something that we need to do I would design the packaging so the boxes are different children's toys that you would maybe pick out of a £1 bin in a toy shop or even while doing your food shop. 

I really need to speak to another tutor before I start making anything again to run it past them. 

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