Thursday 14 January 2016

Advertising Workshop

This workshop was a really good way of helping us to understand the current brief.

I think everyone was a little confused about how to tackle the advertising brief as not many of us had done anything like it before. Even though it was not the most fun and interesting workshop we have had, I do think we got a good outcome from it that I would like to progress further.

I was in a group of 5 people and we tried out two different companies. First was Kindle for children so we went down the idea that there are not lots of games on Kindles which are aimed at kids. This wasn't producing the best results so we looked at advertising Channel 4 for families. This as really hard because Channel 4 doesn't really cater for families at all.
We tried lots ideas which you can see in the collage below, but my friend came up with the best idea of just witing 'PM' after the Channel 4 logo so it would say 4pm. This is the perfect time to have family programmes on as it is when children come out out school and just before parents get home and what to relax. We all had a go at drawing the logo. I opted to draw the most recent logo which is the hardest to draw. I think it really looks good because it is more 3D that some of the other designs.

I really like the idea what what to take it on to digital and make something out of it to get into my portfolio.

I came back to this workshop and digitised the piece above to create a final, final outcome. I included both in my portfolio for hand in. 

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