Friday, 29 January 2016

Advertising - Final Crit

On are final crit we had totally rethought our idea.

The only changes we were give is to remove the bottom line of the background to make the logo and slogans clearer, and then for this to be updated on all posters. To change the conversations on the blue poster so it flowed better. And to have it so the conversation runs down the tube escalator, as this is a clever advertising trick.

This was my favorite project of the year. Me and my two friends worked well as a team and I think the outcome is really clear and effective.

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Lecture Programme - Ian Lowey

Ian Lowey
Ian Lowey is a designer, author, journalist and lecturer. He has over 20 years experience in print publishing, working on numerous high-profile magazines and newspapers. In 2003 he co-founded the underground alternative culture magazine, Nude. Ian also co-authored and designed the book, The Graphic Art of the Underground: A Countercultural History.
Ian’s talk will focus on: “the influence and impact of psychedelic and punk graphics on graphic design and contemporary visual culture”.

I think only people who really enjoy the subject matter of psychedelic and punk music in the 80s would have fully understood this lecture. If I had of known the whole lecture was going to be very in depth about this subject I would had done some research or of not gone because I know absolutely nothing about it. 

He also seemed to be reading the whole talk off a script or essay which made his voice a little monotone and didn't allow him to talk about the subject or speak as if he was having a conversation with us. He was very much in his own little world. I also think he really miss out by only having a limited number of slides. Most people who come to talk to us have 60+ slides of photos and designs. Ian Lowey only had about 10 carefully selected slides.  

Overall not a very inspiring talk. I would have loved to have seen a selection of his work instead of hearing such in depth information about this one subject. 

Monday, 18 January 2016

Photoshop Workshop

In this workshop we went over how to place posters in bill boards and bus stops, all while making them look realistic by added reflections.

This was very helpful with the current project of advertising as I needed to put all of our posters into situations. I found this pretty easy and it was a little repetitive to do it over and over again but I see how this helped us to remember the steps. It was handy to know how to use the warp tool to put the poster onto the back of the tube station.

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Advertising - Intermediate Crit

At the crit we talked about how to photo did not represent the idea.

We are trying to promote family meals and having conversations around the dinner table and yet there is no one at our table. We were told to go back and rethink our idea before rushing to create an outcome.

This is the image we had so far.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Advertising Workshop

This workshop was a really good way of helping us to understand the current brief.

I think everyone was a little confused about how to tackle the advertising brief as not many of us had done anything like it before. Even though it was not the most fun and interesting workshop we have had, I do think we got a good outcome from it that I would like to progress further.

I was in a group of 5 people and we tried out two different companies. First was Kindle for children so we went down the idea that there are not lots of games on Kindles which are aimed at kids. This wasn't producing the best results so we looked at advertising Channel 4 for families. This as really hard because Channel 4 doesn't really cater for families at all.
We tried lots ideas which you can see in the collage below, but my friend came up with the best idea of just witing 'PM' after the Channel 4 logo so it would say 4pm. This is the perfect time to have family programmes on as it is when children come out out school and just before parents get home and what to relax. We all had a go at drawing the logo. I opted to draw the most recent logo which is the hardest to draw. I think it really looks good because it is more 3D that some of the other designs.

I really like the idea what what to take it on to digital and make something out of it to get into my portfolio.

I came back to this workshop and digitised the piece above to create a final, final outcome. I included both in my portfolio for hand in. 

Monday, 11 January 2016

Advertising - Brief

BA (Hons) Graphics Year 1 Unit BA1b

Date: 11.01.16 to 29.01.16

Project: Advertising

The brief in a sentence
Working in pairs, promote one of the six areas listed below as a fully realised advertising campaign.
  1. Charity Shops
  2. Organ Donation
  3. Good Deeds (One good turn)
  4. Social Etiquette
  5. First Aid Awareness
  6. Family Meals
This project will introduce you to some of the fundamental skills relating to advertising practice and the exploration of the varied communication platforms available. You will be encouraged to consider how to design and communicate effectively to a specific target audience.

The challenge
This assignment introduces you to advertising design and the experience of working in groups. You will explore the roles of art director and copywriter. You will gain first hand experience of the need for both roles to work collaboratively in the development of ideas and concepts. You will apply this experience within group work that will lead to a creative and inventive application of visual and textual language to solve advertising and brand communication problems.
You are required to develop a message, which your campaign will communicate to its identified audience. A campaign is defined as developing one idea through multiple outcomes or directions. Consider media, environments, and ambient and social contexts. Consider how the message evolves in response to its use over the campaign.

The audience
Will be determined by, and appropriate to, the area/theme that you choose.

Things to consider
Ensure your solution to your chosen area includes back up work containing concept scamps, research and development, leading to final visuals and appropriate presentation to client or industry specialist. You will be expected to use both hand and digital studio skills in the completion of this work.

For assessment, you will be required to submit the following:
A set of fully realised Advertising solutions in response too your chosen area
• A supporting body of research and development work, which evidences your creative process and decision-making.

  • Johnson, M. (2002) Problem Solved, Phaidon
  • Ambrose, G. & Aono-Billson, N. (2011) Approach & Language, AVA
  • Bergstrom, B. (2008) Essentials of Visual Communication, Laurence King
  • Marshall, M & Meachem, L. (2010) How to Use Images, Laurence King
  • Ingledew, J. (2011) The A-Z of Visual Ideas, Laurence King 
Computer Arts Creative Review Eye Magazine 


Friday, 8 January 2016

Packaging - Final Crit

Again with this project I found it hard to start something a week before Christmas. A lot of students had already gone home and from the wednesday onwards I was off university ill.

By the time we came back after Christmas I felt recharged and ready to go. I worked hard to develop my project and went to the final crit with a nearly finished idea. Unfortunately, I had misunderstood the brief. I thought it was just as easy to fulfill the brief by repackaging an existing product as it was to create something completely new.

I thought I was being different by reworking the labels of a washing up liquid bottle. My idea was to show how boring washing up really was. I made a label with photos of miserable looking adults and children on it this different sayings on them. I thought my idea was okay until I went to the crit. My tutor pointed out that it didn't work. Because the brief was to create packaging and not labels, to make washing up liquid boring it would have to be a boring bottle with no label, a standard lid and no branding. This idea totally doesn't work but my tutor understood the concept I was aiming for.

The next brief is being given out Monday and is to be done in groups. I don't want to pull my group back or end up missing out by trying to finish this at the same time. I am going to leave it until the 2 weeks after the Advertising project where we do have a directed study project but there is a lot more free time. 

My new idea comes from something I found in the last project. There is an origami box that has no opening. So there is no flap or anything to get in. I was going to make these in different sizes and put different items in them so when you shake the boxes you are curious as to what is inside. Curiosity being the emotion I am choosing. In my crit, when talking to other people, the tutor mentioned making the packaging realistic, so it could be used in really life. If this is something that we need to do I would design the packaging so the boxes are different children's toys that you would maybe pick out of a £1 bin in a toy shop or even while doing your food shop. 

I really need to speak to another tutor before I start making anything again to run it past them.