Monday, 14 December 2015

Packaging - Brief

BA (Hons) Graphics Year 1 Unit BA1b

Date: 14.12.15 to 08.01.16

Project: Packaging

The brief in a sentence
Design a pack as a response to one of the words listed below. Consider physical form, metaphor, function and think laterally.

This assignment introduces you to packaging design and the experience of working in 3 dimensions. The project requires you to be creative and responsive in the use of materials, structure and form of packaging, whilst considering relevance of appropriate application of graphic language used to support your intended communication.

The challenge
You will design a package or three-dimensional object that responds to one of the following:
Cure Object Contagion The Media Issue A Skill Emotion Movement
Collaboration Curiosity Religion Conflict Humour Dreams Danger journey
Consider every aspect of the pack(s) from the form, size, material, and interaction to the smallest detail (volume, weight, price, bar code, etc.) These attributes are all opportunities to communicate the qualities and properties of your subject. Consider metaphor, simile and analogy when looking for conceptual directions.
The form that this packaging takes is up to you – it can be invented or reinvented, i.e. using an existing form of packaging, which you consider to be particularly relevant to your subject. Surface graphics should support and extend your concept. The materials should also contribute to the appropriate communication of your subject.

Things to consider
With the pack and the word presented together the concept should not need explanation.

For assessment, you will be required to submit the following:
A fully realised packaging solution as a 3D model or a 3D digital rendition. (3D work should be photographed for your portfolio submission)
• Supporting body of research and development work.

  • Ambrose, G. & Aono-Billson, N. (2011) Approach & Language, AVA
  • Bergstrom, B. (2008) Essentials of Visual Communication, Laurence King
  • Marshall, M & Meachem, L. (2010) How to Use Images, Laurence King
  • Johnson, M. (2002) Problem Solved, Phaidon
  • Ingledew, J. (2011) The A-Z of Visual Ideas, Laurence King
  • Twemlow, A. (2006) What is Graphic Design For?, Rotovision 
  • Jury, D. (2006) What is Typography? Rotovision 
Computer Arts Creative Review Eye Magazine 


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