Thursday, 17 December 2015

Inside Out Workshop

I was ill on the day this workshop was ran but I managed to complete an outcome at home. I used a tea bag, ripping the bag open to let the ground leaves out. I am really starting to get into photography, the lighting and different angles. I think I would like to invest in a camera ready for second year.

Monday, 14 December 2015

Packaging - Brief

BA (Hons) Graphics Year 1 Unit BA1b

Date: 14.12.15 to 08.01.16

Project: Packaging

The brief in a sentence
Design a pack as a response to one of the words listed below. Consider physical form, metaphor, function and think laterally.

This assignment introduces you to packaging design and the experience of working in 3 dimensions. The project requires you to be creative and responsive in the use of materials, structure and form of packaging, whilst considering relevance of appropriate application of graphic language used to support your intended communication.

The challenge
You will design a package or three-dimensional object that responds to one of the following:
Cure Object Contagion The Media Issue A Skill Emotion Movement
Collaboration Curiosity Religion Conflict Humour Dreams Danger journey
Consider every aspect of the pack(s) from the form, size, material, and interaction to the smallest detail (volume, weight, price, bar code, etc.) These attributes are all opportunities to communicate the qualities and properties of your subject. Consider metaphor, simile and analogy when looking for conceptual directions.
The form that this packaging takes is up to you – it can be invented or reinvented, i.e. using an existing form of packaging, which you consider to be particularly relevant to your subject. Surface graphics should support and extend your concept. The materials should also contribute to the appropriate communication of your subject.

Things to consider
With the pack and the word presented together the concept should not need explanation.

For assessment, you will be required to submit the following:
A fully realised packaging solution as a 3D model or a 3D digital rendition. (3D work should be photographed for your portfolio submission)
• Supporting body of research and development work.

  • Ambrose, G. & Aono-Billson, N. (2011) Approach & Language, AVA
  • Bergstrom, B. (2008) Essentials of Visual Communication, Laurence King
  • Marshall, M & Meachem, L. (2010) How to Use Images, Laurence King
  • Johnson, M. (2002) Problem Solved, Phaidon
  • Ingledew, J. (2011) The A-Z of Visual Ideas, Laurence King
  • Twemlow, A. (2006) What is Graphic Design For?, Rotovision 
  • Jury, D. (2006) What is Typography? Rotovision 
Computer Arts Creative Review Eye Magazine 


Photoshop Workshop

In today's workshop we learnt how to place labels on packaging. We tried all different shaped packaging and labels, slowly getting more complicated as we went on. 

We learnt how to 'place' and 'distort' the image. I really enjoyed the coffee bag one which we did near the end of the workshop. We used the 'warp' tool and added in shadows to make it look more realistic. 

Friday, 11 December 2015

Visual Identity - Final Crit

I found it really hard to get back into the swing of working after hand in. I think this was because we started BA1b 3 weeks before Christmas. Everyone was well into christmas and it was hard to get going for those 3 weeks.

I missed the intermediate crit on the first week of this project and attended the final crit with a stationary set that is so far away from being finished!

I think I am going to leave this project for now as we have another brief Monday to start. I am currently working on the Origami society and have an envelop made, but I need to change the design slightly for it to work better. I have thought about using screen printing to add depth to the pattern or foiling to make it stand out more.

This is what I have so far:

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Contextual Studies - Guidelines

Guidelines for 2,000 Word Report

Write a 2,000-word research report that considers how a specific part of the graphic design industry has responded/will respond to political, economic, social, and technological change.

The report will consist of:
  1. 1)  Introduction (ca. 200 words)
  2. 2)  Political Section (ca. 400 words)
  3. 3)  Economic Section (ca. 400 words)
  4. 4)  Social Section (ca. 400 words)
  5. 5)  Technological Section (ca. 400 words)
  6. 6)  Conclusion (ca. 200 words)
  7. 7)  Bibliography (20-30 industry sources; not included in word count)
Sample PEST Analysis:
Topic: the future of the newspaper
P: political (e.g. changes in legislation, government reviews of industry practices) E: economic (e.g. recent economic down turn, legislation, etc.)
S: social (e.g. changes in reading habits)
T: technological (e.g. mobile devices, printing presses, software)

Questions you might focus on:
the effect of the economy
the effect of digital technology
the influence of globalisation (travel, electronic communication, etc.)
reaction to legislation, etc. (censorship, etc.)
social trends (the trend towards getting married later, rates of divorce, immigration, etc.)

Possible Topics
the influence of e-books on layout
the future of the newspaper
data mining and its impact on data visualization the role of sustainable inks in packaging

Examples of topics you might explore:
-how publishers (of newspapers, books, or magazines) are responding to changes in digital technology (e.g. e-readers, tablets on the book publishing industry.)
-how the design industry has responded to changes in equality legislation (gender/race/disability/sexual orientation, for ex.)

-how brands have responded to change (i.e. health trends, globalization, commercial competition, sustainability, etc.)
-how advertising has responded to government legislation (smoking ad ban, alcohol ad restrictions, shock advertising, etc.).

-how packaging has responded to environmental legislation/trends (green washing, for ex.) - the digital shift in music distribution and it’s packaging from physical (tactile, large-scale, i.e. 12 inch, paper, print) to digital (screen-based images, links, and little or no material packaging) and now a return to physical again.
-how websites have responded to technology (e.g. different mobile devices, blurring of boundaries between types of media – is it a newspaper or website?), user experience / feedback / interaction, accessibility (e.g. ageing population), web advertising, template-based website design and the role of (threat to) the graphic designer, etc.

The basic PEST analysis includes four factors:

Political factors are basically to what degree the government intervenes in the economy. Specifically, political factors include areas such as tax policy, labor law, environmental law, trade restrictions, tariffs, and political stability. Furthermore, governments have great influence on the health, education, and infrastructure of a nation.

Economic factors include cost of goods, impact of the economy, expendable income of consumer, etc. In addition you may consider economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates and the inflation rate. These factors have major impacts on how businesses operate and make decisions.

Social factors: We are interested in demographic trends and realities: (e.g. how age of your market group influences your product, industry, service, medium, etc.) . Think about your target market group and consider the influence of cultural aspects, health consciousness, population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes or emphasis on safety. Trends in social factors affect the demand for a company's products and how that company operates. For example, an aging population may more accessible design such as larger print; more single women in work may result in increased advertising for a wider range of products than historically targeted at women; a trend in healthy eating may influence images and copy on packaging. Furthermore, companies may change various branding and marketing strategies to adapt to these social trends.

Technological factors can range from software innovation (Photoshop filters and tools) to new apps that aid the distribution of photography (Flickr, Instagram, etc.). Wider technological shifts (outsourcing, new inventions, etc.) can affect costs and quality. In graphic design technological issues may be a result of designing for different proportioned mobile devices or new printing technology may have an impact on a publishing-related product. New materials (paper, board, ink) in packaging may influence design. Touch screens in mobile technology affects interface design and user experience, etc. 

Monday, 7 December 2015

Contextual Studies BA1b Brief

Graphic Design Year 1

Term 2 BA1b (project 1 of 2) 
Project 1: 2,000 Report 
Dates: final deadline 22 April

Project title
2,000 word Industry Report

The brief in a sentence
A 2,000-word research report that considers how a specific part of the graphic design industry responds to political, economic, social and technological change.

The 2,000-word report will explore the political, economic, social and technological contexts of your design practice, e.g. publishing, packaging, advertising, new media, etc. Sample topics for the report may include: the influence of digital technology on layout: the future of the newspaper; the role of sustainable inks in packaging; the influence of social media on advertising. Exploring your chosen topic will allow you to consider your own role within the graphic design profession.

The challenge
The report will consist of an Introduction and Conclusion of about 200-words each and four sections (Political, Economic, Social, Technological) of about 400 words each. The report will address issues based on these themes and their impact on your practice. These might include the effect of the economy: the effect of digital technology; the influence of globalization (travel, electronic communication, etc.); the reaction to legislation (copyright, censorship, etc.); the influence of social trends (e.g. changing consumer habits, ageing population, etc.). The report should have a coherent theme and the sections should relate to each other.

The ideal audience for this report is an employer in your field. It should, therefore, be useful, informative and current. It should help your employer understand an aspect of their own industry and the role of graphic design within it.

Things to consider
The report should make use of the most recent and most authoritative research on the subject. Research will be from a wide range of industry- relevant sources, e.g. trade journals, market research reports, government statistics, and industry experts. This research must be evaluated, analysed and communicated in a clear and concise manner.

Assessment requirements
The 2,000-word report must be professionally presented. It must include all the standard requirements of an academic essay, including your name, title, referencing and a bibliography. Images must be numbered, captioned and be discussed in the text. All research must be evidenced using Harvard referencing, which is the referencing style at NUA.

Learning Outcomes
  1. LO5:  Demonstrate knowledge of the fundamental techniques, materials and processes associated with your subject.
  2. LO6:  Make judgements and present arguments through engagement with fundamental historical, cultural and ethical concepts and theories associated with your subject.
  3. LO7:  Demonstrate a range of approaches to creative and experimental problem solving.
  4. LO8:  Communicate the development of your ideas clearly using text, image or object.
  5. LO9:  Demonstrate fundamental subject-specific and transferable skills relevant to your practice and future career.
  6. LO10:  Evidence independent planning and time-management in the development of your work.
A list of trade journals relevant to your practice can be found here:
Market research reports, including KeyNote via the NUA LRC e-resources page:
The UK’s government statistics websites: 

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Above and Below Workshop

This workshop was very quick and easy. It wasn't the most inspirational workshop I've had this year but it was good to be able to go around norwich looking for interesting spots to photogether. 

I made three outcomes in the end, all I am very happy with. 
Again we shared our work on the hashtag #aboveandbelow 

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Jarrolds Museum Visit

It was really interesting to have a morning to look around the Jarrold print museum in Norwich. I learnt so much and was amazed how much work was put into producing every small piece of printed type. 

We had a sections on how book were bounded by hand, how lithography and offset lithography started and how each individual letter was made! 

I have so many photos from that day but here are just a few!