Thursday, 2 February 2017

Book Covers - Brief

Book Cover
Briefing 01-02-2017
Final Crit 14-02-2017 
Unit Deadline 17-02-2017

Book covers act as a strong piece of communication between the author/ publisher and the buyer. Essentially they are a form of advertising to sell the book. They need to re ect the contents in an imaginative and intriguing way, in order to engage and establish a relationship between the book
and reader. The cover is treated as a stand-alone item, generally designed independently from the contents of the book.
Book cover design is essentially packaging a book, however there is a key di erence in doing this kind of “Packaging”. Books are not intended to be disposable, A book should be a lovely thing to pick up, something you want to keep.

The Challenge
You are asked to design 3+ covers for a range of non ction books – a list of titles to choose from is supplied. You are advised to produce a basic format exible enough to accommodate any title in the current list, or any future titles, giving the series a strong and unique visual identity.
This project is designed to enable you to develop an awareness of book jacket design and to recognise the importance of relevant ideas generation and research on a theme in order to come up with individual, eye-catching solutions which work across a series of books

The Audience
The audience will be speci c to the subject matter.

Things to Consider
Selection should be based on the potential and possibilities within the overall theme of the series, not just on individual titles.
In addition to the book cover, you should consider point of sale, promotional aspects and also the potential for adapting book design for looking at on a tablet.

Speci cation: Use the existing formats as a basis for your designs
It may be useful to note, that designing for a book cover is very much like designing a small poster.

Reference material
Vienne, V., (2004) Chip Kidd, London, Laurence King
Powers, A.,(2001) Front Cover, London, Mitchell Beazley
Connolly, J., (2009) Eighty Years of Book Cover Design, London, Faber and Faber
Baines, P. (2005). Penguin by Design. London: Allen Lane
Haslam, A. (2006). Book Design. London: Laurence King
Heller, S., Mirko, I. (2004). Handwritten. London: Thames and Hudson 

Bookshops: Waterstones, Jarrolds, The Book Hive 

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