Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Packaging - Update

I stupidly left packaging to the last minute before hand in. Literally the week before hand in came and I'd not even started any changes from when I got the brief wrong in December.


Anyway, one full day on this project (and I mean full) and it's completed. Not my best project by a mile but it's not too bad for just a days work.  

Monday, 25 April 2016

Visual Identity - Update

After speaking to Gill I was told I was trying to over complicate the task. I went back to basics and started again, this time putting the organisation at the front of any ideas.

I used origami to create every piece. The letter folds into a paper airplane, with instructions on the back. The envelope is the same pattern I followed before but I have used plain text to make sure I dont start to create a logo. The business card pops open and you open it, but folds back to a size that you could fit into your pocket. Lastly, the compliment slip is an origami bird with a little slip of paper coming out of it's wings.

I did really enjoy this project in the end even though it was a rush to get it done before hand in. I wish I would if started it again straight after my final crit.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

The Medium is the Message - Update (Directed Study)

The group for this project fell apart after we all went out and took the photos together. I developed one final outcome but it had no real reason for being a postcard when the campaign was about social media and online messaging.

For this reason I decided to go it alone and create a gif. I then placed this gif on twitter and made a short video of someone finding the tweet and watching the gif. I believe a couple of my group also went off and did there own thing but most didn't hand it this project.

Monday, 18 April 2016

The City New Perspectives - Update (Directed Study)

After coming back from New York and with hand in coming closer and closer I decided to use a panoramic photo I had taken on the trip as the outcome for this project. I had such an amazing time in New York and it really opened my eyes to just how big the world really is. I think from looking over Manhattan, having a birds eye view, it really did change my perspective of the city.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Event Magazine - Final Crit

The final crit for the event magazine was a little rushed as it one week before hand in. Rob liked my booklet, he checked through for orphans and widows and said he liked the exaggerated size. 

I perfect bound this book which made it a bit stiff as the paper was thick and it didn't really have enough pages. It was a good opportunity to learn how perfect bonding is done and I would do it again but on a different paper stock. 

Friday, 8 April 2016

Event Magazine - Intermediate Crit

To my first crit I took a booklet that had two books in it. From the front it was about the empire state building. Then if you turned the book around the flipped it over it was about book about the statue of liberty.

The idea was a little hard to understand. I was given the advice of changing it before I got too far in. They liked the idea of having the magazine in the same proportions as on of the grand building and told me to exaggerate it further.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Event Magazine Workshop - My Top 10

We had to pick a top 10 of anything and represent it for a final outcome. I chose to look at my top 10 songs. I used the wavelengths of the music to visually represent them. 

One tutor said this looked like it could be a rug or some sort of fabric so I had it printed on canvas for my final hand in. 

Monday, 4 April 2016

Event Magazine - Brief

BA (Hons) Graphics Year 1 Unit BA1b

Date: 04.04.16 to 15.04.16

Project: Event Magazine

The brief in a sentence
Design and create a 12 page magazine in response to an event that you have initiated or attended, the content comprising of your own original images and copy.

This task is designed to enable you to further develop an appreciation of magazine design in its broadest sense. The project encourages experimental approaches to typographic design, use of image and layout, whilst developing appropriate computer software skills and introducing you to techniques of folding and formats. You should also show consideration of paper stocks to select one that best suits your magazine.

The challenge
You are to record an event (or series of events) in a comprehensive and exhaustive way. You are then required to edit the material you have produced. The edited material will form the basis of a magazine designed under the title of ‘Event’. You should be recording images (photography and illustration) and producing a written narrative, as both will be required as content for the magazine.

The audience
Will be determined by the subject matter that you choose and who you want to engage with it.

Things to consider
When dealing with extensive copy pay close attention to line length, paragraph styles, consistency of type sizes and the creation and use of a versatile grid system, become a perfectionist!

For assessment, you will be required to submit the following:
Final outcomes will include a 12 page magazine dummy and flat artwork
• Supporting body of written and visual research and development work including iterations of the magazine.

  • Ambrose, G. & Aono-Billson, N. (2011) Approach & Language, AVA
  • Bergstrom, B. (2008) Essentials of Visual Communication, Laurence King
  • Marshall, M & Meachem, L. (2010) How to Use Images, Laurence King
  • Johnson, M. (2002) Problem Solved, Phaidon
  • Ingledew, J. (2011) The A-Z of Visual Ideas, Laurence King
  • Twemlow, A. (2006) What is Graphic Design For?, Rotovision
  • Jury, D. (2006) What is Typography? Rotovision
    Computer Arts Creative Review Eye Magazine
    http://www.designweek.co.uk http://www.creativereview.co.uk http://www.creativereview.co.uk/cr-blog http://typewi.se http://www.septemberindustry.co.uk http://www.trendlist.org http://typocircle.com/learn http://itsnicethat.com http://formfiftyfive.com http://www.designweek.co.uk http://www.dandad.org/ http://www.istd.org.uk/ http://www.ycn.org/