Monday, 14 March 2016

Info Graphics - Intermediate Crit

I haven't been to the two intermediate crits because of a couple of different reasons.
On Monday I sat down and spoke with a tutor to have a little crit on my own to gain some feedback. This helped me to solve some problems with the layout of my information and the design of my piece.

My info graphic is about where people lived before coming to nua in norwich. I started by creating a map on google with all of the places that people said they lived in my survey. I then started to make this into a poster but it is difficult because I have people outside of England too. The map got too big and Rob suggested to make it out of scale to get all the info in.

I have also been thinking about creating a moving piece by using After Effects. I have never used it before so I am going to try and teach myself the programme over the weekend and give it a go.

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