Monday, 24 April 2017

Typographic Poster - Brief

Typographic Poster 

Final Crit 09-05-2017
Unit Deadline 12-05-2017

Create an A2 Typographic Poster to promote a given event

All visual research, analysis and development specifically relating to this project
A2 Poster

Following on from the typographic editorial project and workshop which you completed in BA2, you are asked to create a promotional poster which uses type as it’s main focus.
Event promotional posters generally just use type to support an image- based idea. The typography can sometimes therefore become an after thought with little attention, other than type style and point size. But as you have seen through the editorial project in BA2a, typography can be given emphasis and used creatively without imagery. Type in itself is always a source of ideas and it is good practice for all designers to experience having to give focus to this element.

The Challenge
With this in mind you are asked to design a typographic poster for an event of your choice (a list is provided), which creatively re ects the spirit of an event
This project is designed to help increase your con dence when handling type.

The Audience
The audience will be de ned by the subject matter of your chosen event.

You will need to investigate the personalities and e ectiveness of di erent typefaces in different situations in order to help you achieve success with this project.
Imagery may be used but only in a minimal way. Colour/texture will be important aspects to consider, supporting your typographic idea.
Colour and texture should be considered.
Type can be three dimensional if relevant.
Hand drawn type can also be used if appropriate.

Your final poster must be at least A2 in size. It can be colour or black and white.
It must include the following information:

Subtitle/explanation of event (if necessary)
Prices (if relevant)
Contact phone number (if relevant)

You will be able to nd all information from these exhibitions by searching

Reference material
A Pinterest Board has been created to give you some reference material for existing typographic posters: